
Purano Dunga (Old Boat)

purano (old) dunga (or nauka = boat) pani (water) ko chal (wave)
paar (cross) garu kasari (how to)
uni (she) chin (is) pari (next side) tarera (cross) launa 

bhetu (meet) ma kasari (how)
ho...bhetu ma kasari
purano dunga.....

I have a old boat, and there is waves of water, how do I cross. She is on the next side, how do I meet her? 

bidhi (god) le yesto (like this) anyaye (unjust) gari (did)
jhukyayo (tricked) malai 
ho..bidhi le yesto anyaye gari
jhukyayo malai
eutai mutu (one heart) dui tukra (pieces) pari (did)
chutyayo (seperated) malai
charkidai (cracking) gayo bichod (seperation) ko ghau (wound)
sahu (handle) ma kasari
ho....sahu ma kasari
purano dunga....

God tricked me and did unjust to me. He separated a hear into two pieces. Now how do I handle the pain of this separation? 

priyesi (lover) bina (without) yo jindagani (life)
k chalna (function) sakcha (can) ra
ho....priyesi bina yo jindagani
k chalna sakcha ra ho
huri (storm) ko samu (infront) aasha (hope) ko jyoti (light)
k balna (light) sakcha (can) ra
mali (gardener) bina (without) ko jangali (wild) phul (flower) jhai (like)
phulu (blossom) ma kasari
ho...phulu ma kasari
purano dunga....

How will this life run without my lover. How can the light of hope sustain storm? How can a wild flower blossom without a gardener? 

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